News24 | Lesotho Highlands Water Project tunnel closure: Maintenance will not affect users – water department

Department of Water and Sanitation director-general Sean Phillips. (Alex Patrick/News24)

Department of Water and Sanitation director-general Sean Phillips. (Alex Patrick/News24)

The Department of Water and Sanitation has reiterated end users will not be affected during the planned closure of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project Tunnel for six months in October this year.

The department, led by director-general Sean Phillips, was in Pretoria on Friday morning with representatives of the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority, Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority and Rand Water to outline plans to ensure the closure minimally impacts domestic users, irrigators and farming communities.

Phillips told News24 the meeting was necessary because the department could tell from the queries it was receiving there was confusion over the matter.

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