The surprising impact of your coffee choice on your brain

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee is enough to perk up our senses. But did you know that different coffee varieties could have unique effects on your brain function?

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Recent Japanese studies reveal a fascinating connection between our choice of beans and mental states.

Imagine your coffee ritual not only waking you up but also promoting inner tranquillity. Scientists found that simply inhaling the scent of specific beans can increase alpha waves, the brainwaves associated with relaxation.

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Consider trying Guatemalan or Jamaican Blue Mountain beans if you’re looking for a coffee-induced dose of calm. Moreover, research suggests that the darker the roast, the more intense the relaxing effect.

Fuelling Focus with Coffee: The Right Beans Matter

Need a razor-sharp mental edge? Your cup of coffee could be the answer. Brazilian Santos, Hawaiian Kona, and Sumatra varieties have been linked to boosting mental processing speeds.

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This translates to enhanced decision-making skills and the ability to concentrate on demanding tasks. Scientists reached this conclusion by analysing how quickly participants responded to high-frequency stimuli after exposure to different coffee aromas.

Beyond the Roast: Coffee Origins and Your Mind

While roast level plays a role, studies highlight the importance of where your beans originate. Consider sourcing sustainably grown, single-origin coffees to maximize the potential brain-boosting benefits.

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Experiment to uncover the varieties that ignite your focus or spark a sense of well-being.

The Power of Informed Coffee Choices

“Now you know that if you have to work or study late, it’s best to opt for Brazilian Santos, Hawaiian Kona, and Sumatra,” studies advise.

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And when craving a peaceful moment with friends or a break from mental strain, try the tranquil effects of Guatemalan and Jamaican beans, especially in dark roasts.