South Africa: Operation Dudula Threat to Remove Migrant Children From Schools Sparks Warning From Activists

Amid a reported campaign by the anti-foreigner group to remove migrant pupils from Diepsloot schools, an Equal Education researcher and an attorney with the Equal Education Law Centre have stressed the importance of recognising the false narrative used to scapegoat foreigners for government failures and encourage xenophobic sentiments.

Reports of a campaign by Operation Dudula to remove migrant children from schools in Diepsloot, Johannesburg, have prompted a warning by activists to be alive to the anti-foreigner group’s methods – as well as concern about the Department of Basic Education’s failure to respond.

Activist organisation Kopanang Africa Against Xenophobia (KAAX) said news of the campaign emerged following a message on social media inviting members of Operation Dudula’s Diepsloot branch to attend a mass meeting on 26 January.

When KAAX asked the group to confirm the content of the message, it refused to engage with them, says Dale McKinley from KAAX.

“This is the attitude Operation Dudula has always had when we have attempted to try and dialogue with them. They have no desire to have any dialogue, answer questions or engage,” he said.

Meanwhile, Equal Education has received reports from Diepsloot residents that members of Operation Dudula have been spotted entering…