SA A hit back to beat Sri Lanka A, claim unofficial ODI series

Gerald Coetzee. (Photo by Richard Huggard/Gallo Images)

Gerald Coetzee. (Photo by Richard Huggard/Gallo Images)

The South Africa A cricket side beat Sri Lanka by five wickets in the third unofficial ODI in Pallekele on Thursday to seal a 2-1 series triumph.

Chasing 173 for victory, SA A reached their target after 35.5 overs.

Full scorecard

The tourists were in a spot of bother at 101/5, before Tristan Stubbs (58 not out off 93 balls) and Senuran Muthusamy (45 not out off 55 balls) carried them to victory.

Earlier, fast bowler Gerald Coetzee starred with the ball by taking 5 for 48, while spinner Muthusamy also took 2 for 42.

SA A won the first unofficial ODI by 4 wickets on Sunday, before the hosts claimed a seven-wicket victory on Tuesday.

The two nations will now play two unofficial four-day Tests in Dambulla. The first encounter is from 12-15 June and the second one from 19-22 June.

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