News24 | Why former DA leader Nqaba Bhanga decided to rejoin the ANC

Nqaba Bhanga, former member of the DA, rejoined the ANC on Thursday. (Kyran Blaauw/Netwerk24)

Nqaba Bhanga, former member of the DA, rejoined the ANC on Thursday. (Kyran Blaauw/Netwerk24)

After years of vocally criticising, opposing and contesting the ANC – initially with Cope and subsequently with the DA – Nqaba Bhanga has again shifted political gears, and rejoined the ANC. 

Almost six months since he had his DA membership terminated for calling federal chairperson Helen Zille “racist”, Bhanga pledged to campaign for the ANC in the Eastern Cape. 

Bhanga is back in the ANC, citing “organisational renewal” and the “work done over the past 30 years”. 

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