News24 | Westbury under siege: Resident’s harrowing account of deadly attack as gang violence soars

Westbury residents are living in fear following another shooting that claimed two lives and left a 13-year-old boy paralysed. (Ditiro Selepe/News24)

Westbury residents are living in fear following another shooting that claimed two lives and left a 13-year-old boy paralysed. (Ditiro Selepe/News24)

Seconds after the sound of gunfire pierced the air, a Westbury resident was thrust into a harrowing decision between life and death, prompting a hasty escape to safety.

Though he survived with a minor wound, the tragic event claimed the lives of his uncle and best friend. The incident also left his 13-year-old nephew paralysed. 

The man, who requested anonymity due to concerns of retaliation from his assailants, told News24 they were at a local carwash when an unidentified vehicle pulled up.

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