News24 | ‘A deal will be found’ as Ramaphosa and Steenhuisen meet to mend GNU cracks

ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to meet DA leader John Steenhuisen. (Darren Stewart and Lulama Zenzile/Gallo Images)

ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to meet DA leader John Steenhuisen. (Darren Stewart and Lulama Zenzile/Gallo Images)

A crucial meeting between ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa and DA leader John Steenhuisen on Friday afternoon could see both parties finding each other after the government of national unity (GNU) negotiations hit another brick wall this week.

Steenhuisen confirmed to News24 that talks were ongoing despite the tug of war between the ANC and DA over Cabinet positions. 

“The negotiations are ongoing. It is a process, and the DA is committed to finding a fair deal that leads to a stable government in which the DA can play a meaningful role,” he said.

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