Khayelitsha community urged to rally behind Makhaza police station project

CAPE TOWN – Khayelitsha Development Forum chairperson Ndithini Tyhido has called on the township’s community leaders to rally behind the Makhaza police station construction project.

Groundwork has started after numerous delays.

The Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry into policing recommended the construction of a police station in the area in 2013.

On Wednesday, national and provincial top brass attended a sod-turning ceremony at the station’s construction site.

READ: Construction of temporary police station in Makhaza finally underway

Tyhido said the internal squabbles between community leaders concerning the project must stop.

“We can never be right to bicker around who gets employed to a point that this project must be stopped, that’s selfish and wrong.”

Tyhido called on leaders to set their differences aside for the sake of the greater community.

“It can’t be about us who are in positions of leadership in communities to try and manipulate processes so that our girlfriends and cousins get employed over other people, that’s wrong.”

A temporary structure is expected to be ready for use by the end of the month, while it is expected to take at least two years to complete the permanent building.